Business Management Services

Small business owners are typically on an island.  There are few resources available to them that can truly relate to their situation.  To make matters worse, the time and energy it takes to run a business leaves little time to think, plan, and lead a team…let alone have a life. Sometimes, they just need an EASY Button! That’s what we hope to be…your Chief Solutions Officer!

We are a small business with a small team but, collectively, we have been through a lot and exposed to a lot.  Most significantly, our Data Scribe family has faced life-altering adversity.  Due to our purpose, our culture, our planning, and our team, we have turned adversity into opportunity time and time again.  We are proud of the solutions we have created and what we have accomplished.  We are most proud, however, that we have the time to live life to the fullest. Now, we want to serve as your Chief Solutions Officer (aka The Easy Button) to enable you and your team to do the same.

There are thousands of books, consultants, and courses available that will teach you how to run a business.  They teach you how to scale, how to lead, how to operate, how to market, etc.  Our Business Management Services are unique in that it starts with you, your strengths and your long-term goals as opposed to changing who you are.  We dig deep to understand you as a person…not just you as a business owner or client.  Then, we stay engaged and plugged in to provide support, accountability, ongoing planning, and audibles as necessary.

As your Chief Solutions Officer, we will serve as your EASY Button for your MOST COSTLY problems:
  1. Systems: Whether it is identifying and/or creating a simple tool to reduce inefficiencies or blowing up all of your current systems and replacing them with a custom-built workflow, we got you!  Through years of experience in automation, systems development & application exposure, as well as strategic partnerships with development partners, we EXCEL at Relentlessly Improving operations.  We cannot be all things to all people…nor can our partners.  As a result, we assemble a TEAM of those most equipped to address your specific needs.  Collectively, each party then maximizes their strengths to bring you an operating environment that leverages technology to EMPOWER your team.  The result will be RIDCULOUS improvements in your operational inefficiencies at a better, faster and cheaper clip than the typical development solutions.
  2. Culture: Together, we will create or modify your Purpose, Vision, and Values of your business.  These will support your entire team in everyday decision making.  Through our guided execution, you will be amazed to see how these items become far more than words on a paper for your team to memorize.  They become a living and breathing culture that spreads throughout every aspect of your business.
  3. Team: A business is only as good as the team in place.  A team will have the most success when the players are put in a position to leverage their strengths as opposed to overcome their weaknesses.  Furthermore, a team-wide understanding of who is talented at what will result in a powerful level of unity and loyalty.  Data Scribe will bring in team-building ninjas to perform and collect inventory of your entire team and run you and/or your management through training on how to best lead and leverage the innate strengths within your team.  Furthermore, we will find areas where you may be missing critical players due to lack of resources.  For example, you may need additional financial support but cannot afford a full-time CFO.  All good!  Whether it is an fractional/outsourced CFO, administrative position, or skilled tradesman, we will help you fill the gaps!
  4. Planning: Planning for tomorrow is tough.  Planning for the next 3-5 years seems impossible.  Thankfully, you have Data Scribe to lean on to make it EASY by applying our Start Simple…Start Soon approach to create a Long-Term Business Plan.  Once that is identified, we can now break everything down to the next levels.  We will establish 1 year and quarterly plans and goals that will result in achieving your Long-Term Business Plan.
  5. Execution: Plans are great but mean nothing without execution.  To execute, routines and habits must be established.  Data Scribe will guide you through implementing a flow and rhythm to your business that will ultimately result in significant time savings and unprecedented performance.  This will include training, a schedule and an agenda for quarterly and annual planning sessions.
  6. Accountability: Serving as your Chief Solutions Officer is not about making money.  It is about having an exponential impact on our community through strengthening your business and your team.  As a result, we will continue to stay involved until you tell us, “I got this!”  We will be your accountability partner throughout to ensure you are staying on track, as well as serve as your sounding board for anything and everything you encounter.

Want to save time through our Business Management Services?

Schedule a time for us to chat.